In an effort to share some of the high priority items we are working on, we are putting this out as a blog post. This is by no means everything we are working on but it’s some of the most important subjects our customers care about most. Please bookmark this page and check back for updates.
Google Assistant availability: Completed
Please go to Google Home > + in top left > Set up device > Works with Google > Search for Insteon
Get product back in stock: Check our store for the most up-to-date product in stock:
We are working with the factories, and we expect to have our first order placed by July 1st.
Get Insteon forums back up: Completed
Amazon Alexa skill availability: Completed
You can now search for our skill within the Alexa app.
Push notifications: Completed
Email notifications: Completed
Apps available in Google Play and Apple App Store: Completed
Access to Insteon Hub: Completed
i3 product and Director app updates, Hub migrations, webinar recording link, and Bright Ideas
We’re changing our look!