
Control your Insteon Hub from your Android Wear Device using Tasker

If you would like to get more out of your Android Wear Watch, why not use it to control your Insteon home automation devices?  By using the WearTasker App, it is now possible to run any Insteon task created on your Android smartphone (using the Tasker App) from an Android Wear watch.  Using Tasker on your smartphone, build a list of the Insteon tasks you want to have available on your wrist. Once complete, simply tap the clock on your Android Wear watch, scroll down, and start WearTasker.  Then, simply tap an Insteon task and it will execute on your smartphone.  Enjoy convenient Insteon control - from your wrist!


Insteon is unable to offer support for the steps outlined in this article. Please consult this thread on the Insteon Support Forum to share your experiences with other Insteon customers.


Required Devices

  • A compatible Android smartphone (most devices running Android 4.4 or higher will work)

  • The Tasker Android App

  • An Android Wear-compatible device

  • The Wear Tasker Android App

  • An Insteon Hub (2012) or Insteon Hub (2014)


Getting Started

Before starting with Tasker and WearTasker, there are some pieces information you will need to get your devices setup with Insteon. Take a moment to gather the following information.

  • Insteon Hub User Name and Password. These credentials are different from your Insteon Connect account.

  • For Insteon Hub (2012), this information is located on the bottom of the device

  • For Insteon Hub (2014), this information can be found by navigating to Settings > House Settings > Hub User Name and Password

  • IP Address. Either your Hub's local IP address or if you wish for remote control when you are outside of your home's WiFi network, you will need to configure a DDNS setup.

  • Hub port number. The default port number is 25105. If this has been changed, you can find it by navigating to Settings > House > Port.

  • The to-be-controlled device(s) Insteon ID. See Locate your Device's Insteon ID for more information.

Understanding the URL String

Once you get a feel for the fundamentals, coding commands with the Tasker and WearTasker Apps will become easy. Commands are capable of turning devices on and off, brightening and dimming lights, or having lights dim to a preset brightness level. By taking the information collected above and combining it with Insteon Commands and Variables a command string can be created which will be sent to your hub as a post command. 

Here is the URL String template

http://[User Name]:[Password]@[IP Address]:[Port]/3?0262[Insteon ID]0F[Command Type][Command Variable]=I=3

Here is a sample URL with information


Component Function
User Name Insteon Hub User Name
Password Insteon Hub Password
IP Address Local or public IP address for the Insteon Hub. If a DDNS service has been configured, use the DDNS URL instead
Port Insteon Hub port number. By default, the port is 25105
3?0262 Indicates the beginning of a direct Insteon command. This does not change.
Insteon ID Insteon ID for the controlled device. ID should be formatted without periods: aa00bb
0F This does not change
Insteon Command Two digit command from table A1
Command Variable Two digit dimming variable from table A2
=I=3 Indicates the end of the command. This does not change.

Device Command String Examples

This will turn on a device with ID 12.6E.8D to 75% brightness


This command will slightly dim the same light


Scene Command String Examples

Command strings for scenes are created in a similar fashion; however, instead of using an Insteon ID, the command string will use a Scene ID. A Scene ID can be found within the Insteon for Hub App by going to Settings > Scenes, select the scene and identify the Group number.  Scenes are limited to on and off commands only.

To turn group 1 on, the command would be


To turn group 1 off, the command would be


Adding Commands into Tasker

  • Open Tasker and navigate to Tasks

  • Tap the + button to create a new task and give it a name

  • After the Edit screen appears, tap the + button again and select Net > HTTP Post and enter your command in the server:port field

  • Go back and tap the Play button to test your command

Adding Control to your Android Wear Device

  • Create a new Task by tapping the + button on the task screen and give it a name

  • On the Edit Task screen, tap + and select Plugin > Wear Tasker

  • Tap the Edit button to configure the task

Configure a Location Profile for quick access to lighting commands

  • Every time your phone connects to a specified WiFi network, your watch will display the desired controls.

  • Go to Profiles and tap the + button

  • Select State > Net > WiFi Connected and then browse for your home's WiFi Network SSID

  • Tap Back and select a Task

  • Select the Task you created for Wear Tasker

General Insteon Control

Insteon Command Function
11 On - Can Be used with Variable to set default brightness level
12 Fast On - Will go immediately to full brightness - No ramp rate
13 Off - Can Be used with Variable to set default brightness level
14 Fast Off - Will go immediately off - No ramp rate
15 Brighten - Incrementally increase brightness of a dimmable device
16 Dim - Incrementally decrease brightness of a dimmable device


Insteon Command Function
0 0%
19 10%
40 25%
7F 50%
BF 75%
E6 90%
FF 100%

Thermostat Control

For the heat and cool set point command strings, ** denotes the desired set point. This command example will switch a Thermostat to Heat:


Insteon Command Function
1F6B040000000000000000000000000091 Heat On
1F6B050000000000000000000000000090 Cool On
1F6B06000000000000000000000000008F Auto On
1F6B07000000000000000000000000008E Fan On
1F6B08000000000000000000000000008D Fan Off
1F6B09000000000000000000000000008C All Off
1F6C6400000000000000000000000000** Cool Set Point
1F6D6400000000000000000000000000** Heat Set Point

Useful Resources

Probably the most useful resource for generating Insteon Direct Commands, this will allow you to generate the commands automatically for the most useful functions, such as setting brightness levels or changing your thermostat’s temperature.

An excellent rundown and explanation as to just how these direct commands work


Supported Insteon Devices with the Insteon for Hub App


This chart shows supported Insteon devices on iOS, Android, Windows and Windows Phone. The information in this chart is applicable for Insteon Hub (2242-222) and Insteon Hub (2245-222) with the Insteon for Hub app.

For a list of supported devices for the HomeKit-enabled Insteon Hub (2243-222) and Insteon+ app, see this article instead.

If you need help identifying your version of Insteon Hub, see this article.

  iOS Android Windows Windows Phone
Dimmer Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outdoor On/Off Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
LED Bulb Yes Yes Yes Yes
LED Bulb for Recessed Lights Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer Switch (1000W) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer Switch (2-Wire) Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer Keypad (6-Button) Yes Yes Load Only Load Only
Dimmer Keypad (8-Button) Yes Yes Load Only Load Only
On/Off Keypad (6-Button) Yes Yes Load Only Load Only
On/Off Keypad (8-Button) Yes Yes Load Only Load Only
Dimmer Outlet Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off Outlet (2007) Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off Outlet (2014) Yes Yes Upper Outlet Only Upper Outlet Only
Wired Thermostat Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wireless Thermostat - - - -
Thermostat Adapter Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mini Remote (Wireless Switch) Yes - - -
Mini Remote (4-Scene) Yes - - -
Mini Remote (8-Scene) Yes - - -
WiFi Camera Yes Yes Yes Yes
HD WiFi Camera Yes Yes - -
Outdoor WiFi camera Yes Yes Yes Yes
HD Outdoor WiFi Camera Yes Yes - -
Open/Close Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hidden Door Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Motion Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Leak Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Smoke Bridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
IO Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ceiling Fan Controller Yes Yes Light Only Light Only
Dimmer Micro Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off Micro Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
Open/Close Micro Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ballast Dimmer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer In-Line Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off In-Line Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
220V Load Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimmer DIN Rail Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
On/Off DIN Rail Module Yes Yes Yes Yes
MorningLinc / MiLock Controller Yes Yes - -
IRLinc Transmitter - - - -
IRLinc Receiver - - - -
SeriaLinc - - - -
Range Extender Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energy Display - - - -
iMeter Solo - - - -
SynchroLinc - - - -
X10 Hub (2012) Only Hub (2012) Only - -