Insteon Director App Release Notes

We are constantly making improvements to the Insteon Director mobile app. Here we document each release update to highlight the bugs that have been squashed, features introduced, and other improvements to the app.

Learn more about the Insteon Director App.

Current Release

iOS 1.0.45 - Android 1.0.45 - Released 3/24/25

  • Fixed an issue related to sensor status displaying offline in some circumstances.

  • Added an easier way to link Insteon to your Amazon Alexa directly from Director (Settings > Integrations).

  • Added support for legacy Insteon Heat Pump Thermostat (Model #2732-242).

  • Added more information to the delete device process.

  • Fixed an issue where the app incorrectly displayed a credentials error when logging in without an active Connected Home Access.

Found a bug or just have some app feedback for us? Let us know!

Previous Releases

iOS 1.0.44 - Android 1.0.44 - Released 1/10/25

  • Director now ensures the most accurate device state upon launching the app.

  • You can also initiate a whole house status update by pulling down on any room screen.

iOS 1.0.43 - Android 1.0.43 - Released 12/5/24

  • Fixed a bug that prevented adding devices to scenes as actors when they were directors of another scene.

  • Fixed a problem where the scene builder was throwing an error on 6 and 8 button keypads.

iOS 1.0.42 - Android 1.0.42 - Released 11/26/24

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when attempting to control IO Module, Thermostat, or when logging out.

Known Issues:

  • App displays an error in the scene builder for 6 and 8 button keypads when expanding the button list.

  • Some devices are unable to be added to a scene if they are already a member of another scene as an actor.

iOS 1.0.41 - Android 1.0.41 - Released 11/12/24

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from completing the process of onboarding their hub.

  • Fix an issue where some devices LED status indicators were not being configured as expected.

  • Something we didn’t mention in the app stores: we’ve added the first phase of updates aimed at providing the most up-to-date device status possible when opening Director. More on this coming soon…

iOS 1.0.40 - Android 1.0.40 - Released 11/05/24

Restore Device

We are introducing a new tool to aid in restoring and re-pairing a device that has been reset, is experiencing problems communicating with the hub, or has local properties out of sync with Director. The restore feature is accessible from within a devices detail page (gear).

The Restore Device option will also automatically be displayed in Director when you try controlling a device that has lost a link to the hub. 

What the Restore Device function does:

  • Re-writes any missing links back to the hub.

  • Re-writes any missing scene links.

  • Re-writes any missing records in the hub that plays a role in status reporting.

  • Reads current device properties and updates Director.

Other items addressed in this release are:

  • Improved responsiveness when you open the app and quickly try controlling a device.

  • Fixed an issue with deleting contacts when editing alerts.

  • Fixed issue with led indicator state sometimes being incorrect.

  • During onboarding of i3 devices, ensure RF is enabled.

iOS 1.0.39 - Android 1.0.39 - Released 9/24/24

  • Fixed an issue with setting On Level for dimmable device.

  • Fixed an issue where Outlet Dimmer was not saving adjustments to local properties.

  • Fixed indicator light for plug-in devices to show enable/disable.

iOS 1.0.38 - Android 1.0.38 - Released 9/4/24

  • Fixed an issue where adding a scene to favorites didn’t save.

  • Fixed an issue where the app continued to display a deleted battery powered device.

  • Fixed inconsistencies in the UI for adjusting certain device properties.

  • We now display more types of sensors during the onboarding process.

  • Added the ability to create a new room from the Device Details > Rooms page.

  • You can now properly turn off the indicator lights on your i3 Keypad.

Known Issues

  • On Level setting for dimmers is not saving properly

iOS 1.0.37 - Android 1.0.37 - Released 8/8/24

  • Fixed issues with setting Motion Sensor 2 properties.

    • If you’ve had issues with programming your sensor, visit the Device Details, and select Read Device Values first (you’ll be prompted to place your motion sensor into link mode). When finished, make any changes necessary to correct the behavior and follow the prompts for each change.

  • Fixed issues with setting a devices Indicator Brightness.

    • If you’ve had issues with setting your devices indicator brightness, visit the Device Details, and Director will get the actual current value. You can then adjust to the desired brightness level. Note: setting i3 Keypad to 0% (off) doesn’t currently work. We will have a fix for this soon.

  • Fixed issue that was allowing a device to be director over multiple scenes.

  • For those using Director on multiple mobile devices, you’ll notice that any changes made on one is immediately updated on another.

  • General UI improvements.

    • Increased visibility on bottom navigation

    • Removed color changing background in favor of a more consistent, less obstructive background color.

  • Accessibility updates to navigation.

Also, we made an adjustment to the backend which now enables alert sounds to be included with push notifications (for those with sound enabled on their mobile device).

iOS 1.0.36 - Android 1.0.36 - Released 6/20/24

  • New email contact manager makes it easier to add/view/edit email notification alerts.

  • Fixed issue related to creating notification alerts where you would get an error message “We are unable to configure alert properly at the moment”.

  • Fixed issue with battery-powered devices not able to be deleted when not reachable.

  • Fixed issue with leak sensor displaying “Button B” in scene builder.

  • Fixed issue with keypad wired load not able to change ramp rate in scene builder.

  • Fixed issue with 2-wire dimmer not able to turn off when activating a scene.

  • Minor updates to scene builder when creating your first scene.

Known Issues

  • Some settings in Motion Sensor are not functioning as expected. We are currently working on a fix.

iOS 1.0.35 - Android 1.0.35 - Released 5/2/24

  • Fixed an issue where the app would display the wrong keypad button configuration.

  • Scene tile now continues to show the “Off” button when resized to 3 or 4 column view.

  • You can now control the wired load on the 8-Button Keypad from the keypad interface.

iOS 1.0.34 - Android 1.0.34 - Released 4/29/24

  • Director will more quickly update device tiles that transition from disconnected to connected.

  • Resolved some layout issues for keypad buttons which in some cases resulted in a crash.

Known issues:

  • The 8 button keypad UI does not allow you to control the wired load (button A). You can still control it from the room view or, if it’s a dimmer, by jumping to the brightness controller.

  • Scene tiles don’t display the Off button when resized to 3 or 4 column view. For now, you’ll want to resize to 2 column view to see the Off button.

iOS 1.0.33 - Android 1.0.33 - Released 4/15/24

  • Director now honors the On Level presets for dimmable devices when turning them on from the app.

  • Keypad buttons are now available to view status and control when tapping through to the full control view.

  • Improved scene tile design - now showing On and Off controls and resized to match device tiles.

  • We removed excess space at the top of each tab so you can view/control more without scrolling.

  • We’ve started collecting a list of tips and tricks for getting the most out of Director. You can check them out by visiting Settings > Support and Feedback > Director Tips.

  • Fixed an issue where Director wasn’t correctly setting On Level and Fade Speed for 6 and 8 button dimmer keypads.

iOS 1.0.32 - Android 1.0.31 - Released 3/25/24

  • Fixed an issue where i3 Outlet wasn't saving custom names.

  • Controlling dimmable devices from the room view now honors custom fade speeds.

iOS 1.0.31 - Android 1.0.31 - Released 3/18/24

  • Fixed an issue that didn’t allow setting Fan Speed Off in a scene with Ceiling Fan Controller.

  • Fixed an issue where the fan speed status wasn’t reporting correctly when device tiles were resized.

  • If a schedule stopped working unexpectedly, you can now re-save it which should resolve the issue.

  • You can now edit scene name, room association and favorite - all without re-writing the scene.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Android users from adjustment of LED indicator brightness.

  • Other minor updates and bug fixes.

Known Issues

  • During onboarding of a dual outlet, Director will not allow names to save

iOS 1.0.30 - Android 1.0.30 - Released 2/23/24

  • Scenes are now organized by rooms.

  • The app now recalls your preference for device tile sizes.

  • Now supports legacy Insteon Wired Thermostat. If you have any issues, please email

  • Fixed layout and screen display issues affecting Android, iPhone SE and other smaller screen devices.

  • Fixed OS back button crash on Android.

  • Added a link for viewing and exporting your house configuration under Settings > Your Home.

Known Issues

  • The date under Settings > Hub Time is incorrectly displaying tomorrow’s date.

iOS 1.0.29 - Android 1.0.29 - Released 2/6/24

  • Fixed an issue where setting on-level for dimmer wasn’t saving

  • Fixed an issue where status and control of the light for Ceiling Fan Controller wasn’t working in the tile card

  • Fixed a crash when attempting to create a new account with email already associated with an account

  • Added Director Help link under Settings & Support

  • Known Issues

    • There are reports from iPhone SE users and other smaller screen devices that the Devices tab display is broken. We are actively working on a fix and should have this out soon.

iOS 1.0.28 - Android 1.0.28 - Released 1/15/24

  • Fixed an issue where scenes weren’t being saved properly

  • Fixed an issue where the dual outlet was incorrectly taking you to the bottom outlet when trying to go to the top outlet

iOS 1.0.27 - Android 1.0.27 - Released 1/12/24

  • Added support for the Micro Open/Close Module

  • Added ability to set Switch Type for Micro Modules and DIN Rail Modules

  • Added new Support section under Settings tab with easy access to submit feedback or support inquiries

  • Increased the size of room names for easier reading and navigation

  • Fixed an app crash when tapping the off fan speed for ceiling fan controller

iOS 1.0.26 - Android 1.0.26 - Released 12/18/23

  • Fixed crashing during scene creation

  • Fixed an issue that prevented some users from logging into Director

iOS 1.0.25 - Android 1.0.25 - Released 12/11/23

  • Fixed a bug related to creating scenes in very large installations

  • Fixed an issue where notification email field and save button was covered up by keyboard

  • Added a prompt to take battery-powered devices out of link mode during scene edit/creation

iOS 1.0.23 - Android 1.0.23 - Released 11/27/23

  • Fixed an issue that preventing dimming of light on Ceiling Fan Controller (aka FanLinc)

  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, Director would incorrectly show the onboarding flow if you had a Hub 1 attached to the account

  • Fixed an issue where, a Mini Remote Keypad, 8-button scene created on button G would display on button H in the app

iOS 1.0.22 - Android 1.0.22 - Released 11/15/23

  • Mini Remote crash and incorrect UI has been fixed

  • Add by Insteon ID has been fixed and has been moved to the bottom of the main Add Device page

  • Fixed a login error when hub is offline

Known issues:

  • Issues related to dimming ceiling fan light controller

  • When adding a dual outlet to Director via its Insteon ID, the name page incorrectly shows single device

iOS 1.0.21 - Android 1.0.21 (480) - Released 11/2/23

  • Added support for Insteon IO Module (aka IO Linc).

  • Added support for Insteon Siren.

  • Several improvements made to the Add and Delete device processes - reducing failures and improved handling of links.

  • Fixed issues related to on-level settings for dimmable devices and LED indicator brightness - You can now adjust the  on-level for dimmable devices and set LED indicator brightness to any supported level, rather than the preset 10, 25, 50, 75, 100%.

  • Improved the way Director checks for Hub connection to reduce false alerts of “Hub Offline”.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Save” button was not visible from the room assignment view when there are over a certain number of rooms.

Known issues:

  • Bugs relating to Mini Remote Keypad, 8-Scene

    • In some instances the app crashes when visiting the full control view

    • Full control view is incorrectly displaying Mini Remote Control Switch, 1-Scene

  • Unable to Add-by-ID

  • Issues related to dimming ceiling fan light controller

iOS 1.0.20 - Android 1.0.20 (430) - Released 06/27/23

  • Hotfix for last weeks release

iOS 1.0.19 - Android 1.0.19 (429) - Released 06/24/23

  • Removed the “no response” errors for older sensors that don’t support the check-in feature (aka “Heartbeat”)

  • Fixed an issue during the onboarding process for sensors that failed to configure the check-in feature resulting in a “no response” error despite the sensor working properly. If you believe your sensor is experiencing this issue, please delete and re-add to resolve.

  • Other minor performance improvements and bug fixes

iOS 1.0.18 - Android 1.0.18 (417) - Released 06/03/23

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash in scene builder

iOS 1.0.17 - Android 1.0.17 (414) - Released 05/24/23

  • Support for Mini Remotes (1, 4, and 8 scene) - also available for purchase

  • Improved reporting of device state when operated locally

  • Fixed a bug in scene builder where it was reporting an i3 device incorrectly as a dimmer when in on/off switch mode

  • Fixed an issue where when navigating back from device details could change the state of a device

  • Other performance and reliability improvements

iOS 1.0.16 - Android 1.0.16 (366) - Released 02/28/23

  • Fixed a crash some users reported when visiting device page for dimmers

  • Fixed issue that prevented notifications from being enabled when device name too long

  • Fixed some of the issues with Ceiling Fan Controller (aka FanLinc) - other known issues will be addressed in future update

  • Added support for Range Extender - a known issue with status will be addressed in future update

  • i3 Paddle is now shipping

iOS 1.0.14 - Android 1.0.14 (342) - Released 01/31/23

  • Updated sensor details page

iOS 1.0.13 - Android 1.0.13 (341) - Released 01/26/23

  • Support for new products: i3 Dial and i3 Outlet – visit for more info

  • Sensors that haven’t been heard from as expected (usually due to a dead battery) will now show a warning message in the device tile. Tapping the tile will take you to a page to help resolve the issue.

  • Improved dimmer control interface

  • Fixed an issue where dual outlet tiles were overlapping

iOS 1.0.12 (304) - Android 1.0.12 (285) - Released 12/14/2022

Added percentage to the control view for dimmers

  • Made it easier to select a room in the Devices tab

  • Fixed a bug where the app would prevent scrolling down to view all devices

  • Added ability to see the hub's date and time under Settings tab

  • Added ability to enable or disable Daylight Savings Time

  • Added ability to edit your house location by entering a postal code (for updating time and sunrise/sunset tables)

  • Added more helpful information to the Device Details > Advanced section

iOS 1.0.11 - Android 1.0.11 - Released 11/19/2022

This release we fixed a missing option to add a device to a room during the onboarding process and also made some grammatical fixes. More updates coming soon!

iOS 1.0.9 (264) - Android 1.0.9 (285) - Released 11/24/2022

What you’ll notice

  • We’ve changed the name from Insteon Lighting to Insteon Director. As the new owners, we are embracing the Insteon legacy of providing more than just lighting control solutions. Look for more device support coming soon.

  • For those with a large number of devices, we’ve introduced a device tile resizer. You can now reduce the size of device tiles so that you see more devices without scrolling. Look for the control in the top right of the Devices tab.

  • Fixed a problem with schedules that resulted in days and times shifting. If you’ve noticed schedules not running as expected, do the following:

    • Go to Settings > Location and select “Enable Location” to reset your location

    • If that doesn’t address the issue, delete and re-create your schedule

  • Fixed an issue where program lock was inadvertently being applied when a sensor is added to the app. For those that’ve already added a sensor and are having trouble setting properties, we’ve updated the text prompts that should allow you to make those edits without issue. If you continue to have trouble, we suggest deleting the sensor from the app, factory resetting the sensor (to remove program lock) and then re-adding it to the app.  

What you won’t notice

  • Long needed updates to underlying software framework have been made to ensure compatibility with mobile devices.

iOS 1.0.3 (167) - Android 1.0.3 (203) - Released 09/29/2020


  • Added support for 240V Load Controller.

  • Added ability to rename House and remove homes from Multi Home accounts.

iOS 1.0 (151) - Android 1.0 (184) - Released 08/10/20


  • Improved scene handling

  • Improved consistency with adding devices by ID

iOS 1.0 (139) - Android 1.0 (167) - 07/09/20


  • Creating scenes that including multiple sensors will now be programmed one sensor at a time to improve process and consistency

  • Scene creation process now keeps sensors awake

  • Keypad buttons will now be labeled with scene name when programmed in a scene

  • Device name field is now easier to read

  • Properties will now be queried when viewing the device details page

  • Status will now be queried when viewing a devices control page


  • Links are now properly deleted when removing a device that is both actor and director

  • The app no longer lets your mobile device from sleeping during scene creation/deletion which would cause bad things to happen

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate links were being programmed for keypad buttons in a scene

  • Fixed an issue where some devices could not be set as both director and actor within a scene

  • Fixed an error when adding devices to room during the onboarding process